(Re) Certification

Because of our extensive knowledge of all different flagstate regulations regarding onboard healthcare of vessels, Antwerp Port Pharmacy is able to certify all kinds of…


Poisoning Treatment Chest

Certain vessels such as chemical tankers and container ships, transporting dangerous goods, require additional medicines and medical equipment.


Medical Supplies

Antwerp Port Pharmacy is able to supply all kinds of medicines and medical supplies according to the different flagstate medical regulations.


Delivery (24/7 service)

Our delivery services comprise very reliable door-to-door couriers, both by air and by road, and air-broker services. For deliveries on board in the ARA region…


Reflagging and Newbuildings

The update from an existing flagstated medical chest to another flagstate is usually quite difficult. Because of our comprehensive knowledge and databases of…


Medical Oxygen

Resuscitation equipment (24/7 service) Antwerp Port Pharmacy can supply, refill, hydrotest and certify medical oxygen bottles with all kinds of valves and reducers.



As experts in providing medical supplies to our clients in the marine and medical business for more than 6 decades, Antwerp Port Pharmacy is the right partner for any medical advice.



Medical Locker Automatic Supply
Our clients can benefit from our unique medical stock maintenance system in order to ease the process of replacing used or expired medicines.


Why Antwerp Port Pharmacy?

Antwerp Port Pharmacy is officially registrated and licensed by the Belgian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transport and therefore meets Belgian pharmaceutical quality standards.


Why Antwerp Port Pharmacy?

Extensive range of products. Discover our products here.

24-hour service, 7 days per week, 365 days a year. Contact us!

Ship’s medical supplies for all kind of flags.

Up-to-date regulations. Check here.

Great location in one of the largest worldwide ports, Antwerp!

Excellent knowledge about local medical laws and flag regulations.

We can easily and rapidly attend ships for the best medical service.

Unique medical stock maintenance system in order to ease the process of replacing used or expired medicines.

Antwerp Port Pharmacy, Sint-Jansplein 8-9, 2060 Antwerp

+32 (0)3 233 68 57|info@antport.be|www.antport.be|APB 110339

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